Beverly Hills, California October 16, 2009: Ambassador Andrew Williams, Jr. represents a global constituency from 5th floor offices at the iconic Flynt Publications Building, located at 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, in Beverly Hills.
The World Leaders Coalition (http://linkth.at/j6) has initiated its activities on Facebook through Globcal and its groups; the "Facebook People's Embassy" and "Facebook Diplomatic Corps".
Colonel David Jeffrey Wright appointed Andrew Williams, Jr. to represent the United States as a Facebook Goodwill and Public Diplomacy Ambassador (http://linkth.at/me).
The world leaders featured in the program include US President Barack Obama, Brazilian President Lula Da Silva, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and many other European, African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian Leaders, including the Presidents of China and India. There are also religious and political leaders involved based on the non-conflict peace based coalition message they support together. Some of the goodwill ambassadors include Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Elton John, Sting, and many more.
These leaders and motivated personalities are united through their alignment, common beliefs, causes, and similar idealism on certain matters including human rights, organized labor, peace, anti-corruption, cooperation, fair-trade and more. The program is an interactive cross-platform communications subnetwork that allows transparency between the extremes using agents (ambassadors) as intermediaries.
Anyone on Facebook can communicate with ambassadors from People's Embassy diplomatic corps (http://linkth.at/mf) representing the World Leaders Coalition.
The Facebook People's Embassy program ambassadors are assigned for each geopolitical and cultural niche to include most social circles, groups of people, and geo-regions, these Ambassadors are given the privilege to directly post a weekly dispatch and communicate directly with these all of the world leaders collectively.
Ambassadors post their weekly dispatch based on their communications in the Embassy and from the special Ambassador pages assigned and authorized by Globcal on local and global matters presented by their constituencies. Dispatches are presented under strict protocols and ambassadors are trained to be familiar with presentation rules and writing style.
This is a strictly volunteer position. Donations are neither solicited nor accepted. Yet, Ambassador Andrew Williams Jr. believes like-minded supporters in the entertainment, media and non-profit arenas can help capture community and worldwide publicity and promotional exposure to shape and progress a shared agenda.
“My Facebook Ambassador page (http://linkth.at/io) is the ‘funnel’ to attract stakeholder causes, issues, interests and comments. My role is to represent those interests once each month in an online dialogue with World Leaders.”
ABC FINANCIAL LITERACY PROJECT * Beverly Hills, California: Mr. Williams, as Managing Director of ABC Financial Literacy Project (http://abcflp.org) is also seeking "talent" and "production teams" to produce a series of Public Service Announcements, Press and News Releases, featuring Members of local Chambers of Commerce to appear at local schools and colleges nationwide in support of the Sister Cities International Citizens Diplomacy Network and United Nations' Millennium Development Goals 2015 project.
“One objective is to get business owners in each District to make monthly appearances at schools in their "District" or community to talk with students about (1) how their particular business applies financial literacy to operate and manage their business and (2) what talents, skills and abilities decided them to choose their particular business, thereby becoming role models the kids can emulate.”
“Our success can help Los Angeles communities derive benefit from a more active involvement with Sister Cities International (http://linkth.at/mj) by treating this entire effort as a demonstration model to encourage the participation and support for multi-lingual and multi-cultural financial literacy projects and school presentations by surrounding business owners, parents and organizations representing each of the 25 Los Angeles Sister Cities International ‘twins’ as well as smaller ‘ethnic’ and ‘neighborhood’ chambers of commerce and business associations, all of whom we are asking to join the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce in order to strengthen and sustain educational and economic development projects locally and internationally.
CONTACT INTERNATIONAL INC., Beverly Hills, California
Contact International Inc. (http://linkth.at/j2) CEO Gail McKenzie, with a multi-cultural career spanning more than 20 years, is highly regarded internationally for her tireless efforts to bring Humanitarian aid to African countries as well as for her ability to create opportunities for businesses around the globe. In working with government leaders and businesses to establish cultural and economic ties, her work has influenced global leadership and impacted international policy. The Belizean born businesswoman and international relations expert also served many years as the assistant to the Chief of Staff of the President of Gabon. Known as Attaché Mckenzie, she gained worldwide recognition for delivering exceptional results even in the most challenging of assignments.
Effective January 1, 2009, Andrew Williams, Jr. assumed responsibility as Global Solutions Facilitator, dedicated to expanding company offerings and building collaborative linkages among a multi-lingual, multi-cultural marketing communications network of diplomats, business leaders, non-profit organizations and decision-makers worldwide. “Our entire staff and clientele certainly applaud his recent appointment as Ambassador representing Facebook People’s Embassy for a Community of Nations to the World Coalition of Leaders,” says Attaché McKenzie
Lillian McMorris, noted Las Vegas, Nevada-based media personality, writer and publicist (http://linkth.at/mm), CEO of Your Resource Virtual Administrative Services (http://linkth.at/mk), Editor of Vegas Interactive Magazine (http://linkth.at/ml), and Hostess of VIM Radio Program, has agreed to handle media relations, online/offline appearance bookings, and speaking engagements for Ambassador Andrew Williams Jr.: purpleresource@yahoo.com
Facebook People's Embassy for a Community of Nations
Peace | Social Justice | Human Rights | Environment | Fair-trade
8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 500
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Let’s develop and sustain a collective wealth creation Plan of Action among our businesses, contact networks and communities using GrowThink University tools, resources and guidelines http://linkth.at/ia
WILCOMNET, LLC (http://linkth.at/uk)
8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 217
Beverly Hills, California 90211
direct: 888-802-8599
Profile links: http://linkth.at/fd
Managing Director http://linkth.at/q5
8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 217
Beverly Hills, California 90211
CONTACT INTERNATIONAL, INC. (http://linkth.at/n6)
Global Solutions Facilitator (http://linkth.at/n7)
Beverly Hills, California 90212
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