By Andrew Williams, Jr.
As the Director of International Media Relations, I am pleased to introduce and host TRN International News, our media program to be distributed over IPTV, radio, mobile and satellite. I will be leading an exchange in global communication that demonstrates the full capabilities of using technology to bridge the digital divide, employ online and offline multi-lingual, multinational, multi-cultural social media marketing strategies, tools, and resources to promote microfinance, social justice, economic empowerment, the environment, education, self-employment, and business incubation .
These objectives are in compliance with the Global Compact to progress the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals 2015 Project. The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
Upcoming shows will include live teleconference/webinars with simultaneous outputs utilizing the LCE Black Box on TRN.tv Portal #001, accompanying Twitter accounts, blog spots, Circles and Fan Pages for each MDG supporter to exchange with audiences and hosts globally.
We are asking all interested audiences, sponsors, producers and hosts to pick 1- 3 MDGs that matter most to you and support our efforts to improve results through this global partnership for development.
By joining, participating, and sharing we all can contribute to achieving and surpassing the expectations for MDG 2015. You can help make the world better for all of us here on Earth now and in the future.
Everyone is invited to participate. Please reply to awilliams@portalpoint.trn.tv with bios and introductions on your area(s) of interest in the Millennium Development Goals 1-8. See Page 5 for MDG descriptions.
Check back for my new blog coming soon.
United Nations MDG:
AJ Action Team: http://ajactionteam.org
UN Global Partnership Information: http://globalcompact.org
Global City Diplomacy Network: http://sister-cities.org
Ambassador Ayi Jihu, Friends of the United Nations and Global Flying Hospitals
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 1 Extreme Poverty And Hunger
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015 #2 Fact Sheet Achieve Universal Primary Education
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 3, Promote Gender Equality And Empower Women
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 4, Reduce Child Mortality
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 5, Improve Maternal Health
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 6, Combat HIV-AIDS, Malaria, Disease
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 7, Ensure Environmental Sustainability
United Nations Millennium Development Goal 2015,Fact Sheet 8 Develop Global Partnership For Development