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From: "andrewwilliamsjr@peoplestring.com"
To: wilcomnetllc@parxtc.com
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2009 6:02:08 PM
Subject: Year-Round Valentine's Day/EarthDay Birthday (April 22) Celebration by Global Awareness Campaign - You-Choose-When: join our Teens and Parents Forum
This is your invitation to join Petya "Pett" Corby's Teens and Parents Forum (copy and paste to browser): http://teensparents.ning.com/
Forum for teens & parents discussing the problem with unplanned pregnancy. You´ll find natural solutions for successfully avoiding it.
Global Awareness Campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs, YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent" started on MySpace in Jan 08 in a disagreement with the UK Health Minister´s decision to introduce contraceptive drugs for free to still developing under 16 years old children.
The movement is endorsed by musicians and people from all walks of life including politicians. Visit Virtual Gigs site created to play the music contributed to the cau se.
The purpose of the campaign is to make people in reproductive age around the world aware that they can successfully avoid unplanned pregnancy every time, using ONLY natural methods. There are no toxic side effects or any cost involved with them. The knowledge that medical doctors know of, but are not willing to talk about can and should be passed down to generations - there is no use-by-date on it.
Virtual Gigs is a band created out of music artist in support of the movement. The band will tour the world spreading the word for the next 10 years. Measure of the campaign’s success will be the UN and National Population Institute´s statistics published annually.
The purpose of this site is to empower:
* Girls and women with the ability to choose when to become pregnant.
* Boys and men to avoid being trapped in a relationship due to unplanned pregnancy.
* Ultimately all of us w ill contribute to the reduction of global population by CHOICE, using knowledge and sharing it.
Global Awareness Campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs, YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent" official website.
I Support the Global Awareness Campaign
I Support the Global Awareness Campaign
Banner Made By: 4GDesigns
How to Avoid Unplanned pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs
Short book of researched, practical knowledge about SUCCESSFULLY avoiding unplanned pregnancy everywhere, every time using only natural methods.
Download your copy of the book in English for ONLY $14.22

Download your copy of the book in Spanish "Como prevenir un embar azo imprevisto cada vez que tienes sexo – SIN medicamentos anticonceptivos" for ONLY $14.22

Download your copy of the book in English for ONLY $14.22

Download your copy of the book in Spanish "Como prevenir un embar azo imprevisto cada vez que tienes sexo – SIN medicamentos anticonceptivos" for ONLY $14.22

GLOBAL AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Without Contraceptive Drugs
YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent
Make the Valentine´s Years of your life spacial: more romantic and free from worries about Unplanned Pregnancy.
We would like to offer you the book
"How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs"*
as a ALL YEAR-ROUND Valentine´s Day present.
*"How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy... " is a book of researched, practical knowledge about successfully avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy using simple and easy to apply natural methods every time. They are known and proven. Even medical doctors are well aware of them, but NOT WILLING to recommend.
To help men & women avoid being trapped in relationships they do not really want
Contributing to the reduction of global population we cannot look after, feed, educate
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we avoid abortion and its side effects
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy without drugs the entire family avoids their side-effects
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we have a better chance of keeping children at school
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we avoid making children that may start life in poverty
*"I have been working and still following a work routine of 17/7 for the past 15 months. I funded the work process of writing, publishing and promoting the book in English and Spanish as well as the mission with the money from the sale of my house after my divorce 3 years ago..." Pett (Petya) Corby, Author, Founder of Virtual Gigs** band
**Virtual Gigs band is created with music artists who support the message. The band will never have a fixed amount of members for it will grow with every professional or non-professional musician from all countries around the globe who will ever join the movement... It is to become the biggest ever band created to support a charitable cause.
Global Awareness Campaign http://www.you-choose-when.com and Virtual Gigs band http://www.myspace.com/virtualgigs
Global Awareness Campaign SUPPORT Since 12 January 2008
Doug Wead, Presidential Historian and Best Selling Author
Music Artists:
Theodore Jenkinson
Chris Fournier
Lee Mitchell
Aysha Webb
Pat Mastelotto
Fabulous Hatz
Anthony Mitchell
Jake R iley
Peter Hepworth
Aaron English
Joao Diniz
Professionals/Not For Profits:
Barbara J. Semple, Natural Health
SIRIUS, cinematographer
Jan Lungberg - ECO Activist
Daniel Callahan, LMSW, Personal Development Coach and Pett Corby´s co-author for the second edition of her book
Tanya Michell, CEO Tanya Mitchel Inc.
Bernard Schnee, Senior Minister
Dr Gerry Patnode Ed.D. -- Professor of Leadership and Management
Alan B. Densky, CH Neuro Linguist
Kira Washington
William R. Patterson, a Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur
James Lee Valentine , an Author, Public Speaker
Tammy, Coach
Scott LaMothe, Theha Healer
Anna Mezzone, professional
Rev. Dr. Anne Frances
Kim Clark, Internet Marketer
Chris Lewis, MH (Master Herbalist), CMT
Nazneen Khwaja, Expert Natural Healing
Carol Adler, President/CEO, Dandelion Books, LLC
Kathi Harris, Internet Marketer
Michael Copeland, Internet Marketer
Dick Scott, Internet Marketer
And over 20,000 followers met personally across 200+ Social Networks
Global Awareness Campaign SPONSORS
* Pett (Petya) Corby
* Personal friends and family
* Chris Hill, CEO Hill Site Designs
* Aujon Smith, CEO 4GDesigns
* Andrew Williams, Jr: http://www.ecademy.com/account.php?id=364031
YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent
Make the Valentine´s Years of your life spacial: more romantic and free from worries about Unplanned Pregnancy.
We would like to offer you the book
"How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs"*
as a ALL YEAR-ROUND Valentine´s Day present.
*"How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy... " is a book of researched, practical knowledge about successfully avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy using simple and easy to apply natural methods every time. They are known and proven. Even medical doctors are well aware of them, but NOT WILLING to recommend.
Global Awareness Campaign Mission
To empower all women with the ability to choose when to become pregnantTo help men & women avoid being trapped in relationships they do not really want
Contributing to the reduction of global population we cannot look after, feed, educate
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we avoid abortion and its side effects
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy without drugs the entire family avoids their side-effects
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we have a better chance of keeping children at school
By avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy we avoid making children that may start life in poverty
*"I have been working and still following a work routine of 17/7 for the past 15 months. I funded the work process of writing, publishing and promoting the book in English and Spanish as well as the mission with the money from the sale of my house after my divorce 3 years ago..." Pett (Petya) Corby, Author, Founder of Virtual Gigs** band
**Virtual Gigs band is created with music artists who support the message. The band will never have a fixed amount of members for it will grow with every professional or non-professional musician from all countries around the globe who will ever join the movement... It is to become the biggest ever band created to support a charitable cause.
Global Awareness Campaign http://www.you-choose-when.com and Virtual Gigs band http://www.myspace.com/virtualgigs
Global Awareness Campaign SUPPORT Since 12 January 2008
Doug Wead, Presidential Historian and Best Selling Author
Music Artists:
Theodore Jenkinson
Chris Fournier
Lee Mitchell
Aysha Webb
Pat Mastelotto
Fabulous Hatz
Anthony Mitchell
Jake R iley
Peter Hepworth
Aaron English
Joao Diniz
Professionals/Not For Profits:
Barbara J. Semple, Natural Health
SIRIUS, cinematographer
Jan Lungberg - ECO Activist
Daniel Callahan, LMSW, Personal Development Coach and Pett Corby´s co-author for the second edition of her book
Tanya Michell, CEO Tanya Mitchel Inc.
Bernard Schnee, Senior Minister
Dr Gerry Patnode Ed.D. -- Professor of Leadership and Management
Alan B. Densky, CH Neuro Linguist
Kira Washington
William R. Patterson, a Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur
James Lee Valentine , an Author, Public Speaker
Tammy, Coach
Scott LaMothe, Theha Healer
Anna Mezzone, professional
Rev. Dr. Anne Frances
Kim Clark, Internet Marketer
Chris Lewis, MH (Master Herbalist), CMT
Nazneen Khwaja, Expert Natural Healing
Carol Adler, President/CEO, Dandelion Books, LLC
Kathi Harris, Internet Marketer
Michael Copeland, Internet Marketer
Dick Scott, Internet Marketer
And over 20,000 followers met personally across 200+ Social Networks
Global Awareness Campaign SPONSORS
* Pett (Petya) Corby
* Personal friends and family
* Chris Hill, CEO Hill Site Designs
* Aujon Smith, CEO 4GDesigns
* Andrew Williams, Jr: http://www.ecademy.com/account.php?id=364031
What is most important: TRAINING or EDUCATION?
Well, to help you answer this think,
Would you prefer your teenage daughters to have?
Sex training or sex education?
Imagine all young people around the world being
able to choose when to become parents.
Do you think we’ll have overpopulation running out of hand?
An army of hungry, unwanted children?
Click on the link to find the solution.
Imagine all young people around the world being
able to avoid Unplanned Pregnancy every time.
Do you think we’ll have the issue of ´Abortion´?
Children giving birth to children?
Forced relationships and marriages?
There is way!
In fact, there is a very simple knowledge,
being made available to everybody on our planet.
This is my intention with the launch of Global Awareness Campaign,
"Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs,
YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent".
Read about our Mission.
You are able make a difference now!
The good news is that change is attainable.
It is simple and easy to do... with PLEASURE!
Imagine what it feels like to be in the arms of a loved one -
whe n you and your partner’s feelings are mutual!
Do you like sex?
If you said yes, please click here to see
what irrevocable harm IS being caused to our planet and
what YOU can do about it by better understanding
UNPLANNED PREGNANCY and how it can be easily avoided.
I choose to make a difference NOW!
I would be honored if you follow me!
Love and Blessings,
Pett Corby
Founder of the Global Awareness Campaign and "Virtual Gigs" band
Author, "How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex
WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs"
P.S. Please forward this email to your friends and family.
Many asked me what is our goal, how we plan to achieve it and how they can help...
2020 1 billion individuals to know how to successfully avoid Unplanned Pregnancy (UP), APPLYING the simple knowledge and passing it down to another 1 billion.
* What we need to make this happen right now is thousands of friends to be spreading our message to thousands of their own friends.
* What we kindly ask you to do is any (or all) of those below:
1. Add our URL to your Social Network Profile Page with the txt: I support Global Awareness Campaign "Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Contraceptive Drugs, YOU CHOOSE WHEN to Become a Parent". Donate here.
2. Forward this email to your list with a note from you saying: "Let's help a worthy cause by joining our efforts for Christmas and beyond."
3. Discuss the matter with your colleagues and friends encouraging them to do the same.
4. Visit our website, support our cause with $20 or more and receive great gifts valued at over $1800. Click the "View Gifts" button.
The matter of UP/Overpopulation concerns all of us: wo(men), poor or rich. We are together in the same ´boat´ this time.
Keep in your heart that abandoned, abused, neglected or turning bad children are often the result of UP.
No amount of industrial development will sustain our planet if we don't learn to control population growth; if we don't start to Develop Ourselves. Luckily controlling population growth is simple to do by everyone. What we lack is a mass awareness. This is what our Globa l Awareness Campaign is all about.
Merry Christmas! Let there be fewer unplanned pregnancies in 2009!
We thank you in advance for your help!
Love & Blessings
Pett Corby, on behalf of "Virtual Gigs" band
Founder, Global Awareness Campaign and "Virtual Gigs" band
Author, "How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy Every Time You Have Sex WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs"
$99.00 Benefit Card [pays TC Operator $25 per card sold]- provides online coupon discounts to Citizens of (AND visitors to) the U.S. and Canada: Sample: http://www.globalawarenesscampaign.hemitc.com/memberdiscounts1.php
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Andrew.Williams.Jr@parxtc.com * Global Solutions Facilitator * skype: andrew.williams.jr
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