Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 8:58:52 AM
Subject: greenaction fund fundraising
From: Sophiahong洪铭灿
To: Andrew.Williams.Jr@parxtc.com
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 6:05:24 AM
Subject: greenaction fund fundraising
dear Andrew
From: "greenactionfund@gmail.com"
To: Andrew.Williams.Jr@parxtc.com
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 6:49:16 AM
Subject: 使用 Google 自定义搜索来优化我的搜索引擎!
dear Andrew you are welcome join our fundraising campaign !!! have a good week. sophiahong Greenaction Fund
Green Action Fund 绿色行动基金已邀请您参与他们的自定义搜索引擎: 绿色行动基金 Green Action Fund。
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Google 自定义搜索小组
From: greenaction
To: "Andrew.Williams.Jr@parxtc.com"
Sent: Saturday, May 9, 2009 11:05:38 PM
Subject: On greenaction: Greenaction Fund Strategy and Commitment!
A message to all members of greenaction
dear all our greenactionists , Greenaction fund established by CEO Ms.Sophiahong and CNO Mr.Lucas Wysrch ,now we seeking valuable shareholders world-wilderly, about the details of Greenaction fund Strategy &Commitment ,view greenaction fund website .
Visit greenaction at: http://greenaction.ning.com
Ecademy ID: 320387 Last visited: 10-May-09 6:43am Signed up: 19-Jul-08
Fifty Words
independent green filmmaker&artist, spearhead greenaction &greenvalue behavior by her greenfilm &artistic works for more than six years, happiness, health, wealth, successful, eco-system, nature, Taoism, Buddhism, eco-artistic educate green culture, beauty, good, truth, my dream is reality that is greenaction make the world being paradise.
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1.Superstar heroine of greenaction ------->http://greenaction.ning.comSince 2001, Sophiahong, an independent green filmmaker&artist has spearhead worked to combat the negative effects of industrialize economic developing cause climate change in China. All her efforts include anti-corruption behavior and green action by her greenfilm &artistic works for more than six years,with her artistic research for green action can dedicated to educating public on the risks, challenges, and solutions to climate change.
as a green artist and a greenfilm producer,director,screenwriter,heroine actress,sophiahong use the recycle paper do her green water color paintings and videos,speech works with a naturalist's vivid & fresh feeling and emotion of a ecologicalist's awareness,also combine the aesthetics of eastern & western culture.all the inspiration just came from her greenfilm series since 2002!
The green paintingseries just stems from the inspiration of her green film series. the materials stick to use water color and the recycle paper also express her anxious and rebel for the undisciplined human desire destroyed enviorment,meanwhile she infinite look forward to rebuilding the pure land with the harmony living together between the human and nature throughout the green action.
-------->Sophiahong's Greenlight gallery paintings online promote sales http://www.artwanted.com/sophiahong
The green videos "under the double inflation" just show great concern about all the victim condition of homeless and weakness on the earth. The narrative focus on a street catty just survives for 15 days with his eyes disease and bad condition during the Sichuan earthquake period.
The greenvideo series"before greenOLYMPIC2008" tell us what happened before greenOLYMPIC2008?what change in every where BEIJING July2008? we just see grassroots go hometown, OLYMPIC not involved them......what is eco-humanity? this greenvideo make more concern our eco-civilization!
The green videos"grassroots series" and "storm series"will closely pay attention for our eco-humanity crisis nowadays and continue for greenaction !!!
The green speech "Climate change bring about the value change"
will give us the taste of green life and some solutions about the crisis.
Sophiahong's greenphotos and greendance&singing&perfermance online show meanwhile now the sophiahong's greenart works include greensong dvd just on sale , if anyone who interesting with it that can directly buy or donate to greenactionparty ,more details check out the greenaction website !!!
2.About Sophiahong' greenaction party :
21century is a challenge era, we facing so much unexpected crisis with climate change, how do we can sustainable development? How could we get sustainable relationship with moral right?
The greenaction party spearheaded by independent greenfilm artist Sophiahong just show us the solutions.
the party for everyone who are like to do green action projects with seeking greener partners and stuffs or finding fashion advertis platform to present their greener products to the public and get greenaction awards of their charity donation and supports ! with our hand in hand greenaction will make the world being a paradise!
3.Sophiahong's Green-art-film Projects description:
If there is a single theme that resonates throughout this movie, it is the importance of setting one's sights high and firmly sticking to one's convictions to do green action!
because In this project, it spend 6 years to make my dream come ture!
(in the 3rd year and the 6rd year ,i ever rejected a investment money and a donation partron that all due worried some corruption problem in it ,i just want to do a pure green film that related with the eco-enviorment protection!)
Time past time,utill today ,we also fight with corruption such wrong value and behavior destroyed whole belief and happiness basis, only giving people material life and the animal appetities, this help us understand why people so rich but so poor in their spirits, their soul is so anguish , forlornness and despair, they lose real horamony in whole life. there is no escaping this disturbing situation, except a man who like lies and make excuses.
when we facing the truth ,we are need totally and deeply responsibility for our behavior and value's issues.
someone says 21th is a female century, it's ture,because its means a new more profound, a wareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race,sexcial ,or religions. it's pure respect for the practical law and reconstitute value ,it's balance value .
All corruptions, wars, seizes,greedys and sins will be purnishment and eliminate just because it'll destroyed our totally enviroment including natural resouses and humanity civilization !
Maybe it's difficult, but no escape.that's my green film want to say and show to the public.
10 years ago ,i realize these issues, but at that time, china just ignoranced such issues(also including all the developing nations aroud the world such as asia ,afica,south american,etc...) the society primary rule is developing economy,so mostly ignoranced such issues (also including some developed nations and companys if they just think about catch profits and resources and energy in low price from these undeveloped area.)
Belonging an artist's heritage sentitive, i transcend that period, i already has a historical errand and human culture obeligation, i done my green movie by a stronger belief that is responsibility for our future and the earth , i believe it's correctly direction. that's why i want to tell this story about protection enviroment . the allegory is absolutely clearly advoted the greenaction confidence as goddess always in love.
If the movie finished and release, it'll bring back our valuable knowledge ,it maybe sharing best practices that enable everyone to action and change behaviors and values aroud the global climate change issues!
As someone says: Anything that is morally right is ultimately good for business!
4.About sponsor's donation: at least RMB5million or $900,000 /per film
Charity green sponpors combine together for our same dream being great manifest!
with our hand in hand greenaction will make the world being a paradise!
5.About Sophiahong's Superstar heroine greenartfilm studio :
Superstar Heroine greenartfilm studio established in 2005 in beijing,the famous culture center in China !
As an independent filmmaker , producer, screenplay, herione, Sophiahong is the soul leader of her talented and innovative team including 40 specialists in the development,production,distribution.
Studio will bring the greenaction influence to the domestic& international market. to really benefit to the global public !
The studio purpose to promote friendship,enlarge exchange,strengthen cooperation and develop together. it will carry the soul of humanity culture to the world, meanwhile it will bring back high quality sponsors from everywhere around the whole world!
6.Cooperation Form:
shares rewards and awards ,brand advertising in the movie,exihibition to global public in the international filmfestivels and multimedia green- art-film events&champions!
7.Sophiahong's GreenArtFilms forecast:
Construction period: 1 mouth for pre stage , 1 mouth for produce, 2 mouth for post stage
Release time :1 year in china&asia and european ,american market.
8.Sophiahong' green-art-film projects With sponsors' donation for sustainable win-win development!
dear all greeners you are welcome
we can develop win-win cooperation as you know i seeking green sponsors for my greenfilms
if you successful introduction ,my studio offer 5% green commission , if you are sponsor ,will be shared half profit later. if you are angel investor ,will have 30%shareholders for sure.
happy new year , all blessing to you and good luck in 2009!
9.blogs by Sophiahong------>(more blogs : http://greenaction.ning.com)
About Greenaction turn to the Global Citizenship destination!
by sophiahong, March9, 2009
keywords: bureaucratic corruption power, national security of natural resources, people's human right and humanity requirement , charity and democracy and freedom based on moral right love , our kindness law based in our heart and the way for our greenacton, the global citizenship period just upcoming!
Just one year, our life of world frame had being changed and damaged so rapidly that most nations of people still stay at before experiences with corruption of bureaucratic authority power covering who never want to wake up to view this illusion broken already but this is urgent time also opportunities for our wiser humanbeing to think about our present &future sustainable survive with greenaction forward strengthen !!!
today we realize our duty and responsibility of greenaction is original from the simply logic which is
" if the kindness people working successfully that the bad things will disappear more and more !"
also means
"if the love of life being truly exist that the hate of damage power will homeless for sure!!! "
that is why we caring about people's human right and humanity requirement so much with our effort ,that is why we supporting charity &democracy&freedom based on moral right love so much within our belief and practice ,that is why we lighting our kindness law based on our heart and the way out for our greenaction to turn the trend to the global citizenship destination!
with the trend of global citizenship ,we don't need any political bureaucratic power controlling ,
we don't need any national army limitary policeman weapon power which already seized huge materials&energy &resources of each country that mostly used as killing tool against their own national citizens by human right of humanity awareness grow up, so if they make the excuse for national security of resources and energy that is absolutely wrong&liar which just used by their small beneficiary political group power .that is no exception when we research the facts acrossing the whole world everywhere and corners in this planet.
so everybeing with thinking should ask : what should we do ?someone will lost hope because they believe this is a personality issue originally based on corruption shadows and now under the industrialize civilize destination controlling stronger
but we know we are personality with wiser of truth and greenaction ! so if we just change this destination by each of us ourselves and hand in hand ,we can help strenghthen this trend happening ,
if someone surely don't want to change just follow that damage power that is also a free choise ,but we are greenactionists with special missions and awareness who shouldn't just see but no greenaction that is the reason why we can influence and to change the world more green trend and more global citizenship ,no nation borders ,no army damage, no political liars ,no economic greedy, no playgame of darkness.
indeed we need survive sustainable and friendly& naturally and green lifestyle that means more simple more vegetarian more eco-health more cleaning technology more green energy more creative efficacy that means our value and culture based on natural rule &moral law without any shadow influence of the corruptly bureaucratic authorities which since ancient time already deeply control all humanbeing behaivior destination and bring all the wars conflicts together!!!
if we follow our wiser of truth &kindness &moral right , we just see the whole world change to being a familiar love place with charity &democracy &freedom based on moral right and natural rule!!! on that process our global citizenship period just upcoming!!!
welcome view sophiahong's greenvideo"love4 " which related with this topic on greenaction website ---http://greenaction.ning.com
Good news for all Dear greeners, sophiahong's greenart works DvD series on sale premium by SUPERSTAR HEROINE GREENARTFILM STUDIO!
list of DVD as below presents:
1' greenvideos of named"superstar greenaction in 2009" ----- $30USD/200RMBper
greenvideos of named"before green Olympic 2008" ----- $30USD/200RMB/per
greenvideos of named"under the double inflation" ----- $20USD/150RMB/per
greenvideos of named"love series" ----- $20USD/150RMB/per
greenvideos of named"grassroots series" ----- $15USD/100RMB/per
greenvideos of named"storm series" ----- $10USD/60RMB/per
2' greensongs of named"love caring "partA & B with 33 songs in it ----- $30USD/200RMB/per
3' greendance of named"stepping "&"flying" ------$30USD/200RMB/per
4' greenphots of named "superstar greenaction in Beijing" with30pics ------$30USD/200RMB/per
5' greenpaintings of named"Taoism follow the nature" with 30pics ------$30USD/200RMB/per
6' greenspeech of named"climate change bring about value change"
chinese vision ------$30USD/200RMB/per
english vision ------ $30USD/200RMB/per
Another news is about sophiahong's greenbook being get ready for publish and sale online by SUPERSTAR HEROINE GREENARTFILM STUDIO!
The greenbook of named"superstar heroine of greenaction " will show all the greenaction art film experience of these years of sophiahong what she just done by herself since china's economical opening up reform that cause the great lost of moral standard of traditional scream culture parts and what she persisting for greenaction to help the change of awareness one by one !!!
Last news is as you know i just seeking green sponsors for my greenfilm series (per $900,000)
if you successful introduction ,my studio offer 5% green commission , if you are sponsor ,will be shared half profit(50%) later. if you are angel investor ,will have 30%shareholders for sure.
email adress & account infos at greenaction party----http://greenaction.ning.com
phone: 00861064661990
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